We would like to cordially invite children and young people to take part in the international art competition entitled „The Lapbook about the city I live in”.
The competition is open to schools, educational and cultural institutions.
Competition organizers:
Żory Educational and Cultural Association
Żory City Council
Regional Education Center in Żory
Community Centre in Żory
The rules of the competition are available on the website: cer-zory.pl/konkursy/biezace
Description: Banner informing about the international art competition in the following colors: orange, white and yellow. In the center, a globe with a colorful graphic element around it. On the left, the following content: The International art competition “The Lapbook about the city I live in” for children and teenagers.
Honorary patronage of:
The Mayor of the City of Żory
The Chairman of the City Council of Żory
On the right, a few graphic elements – inspirations for creating a lapbook template.
Below the address of the website with the rules of the competition.
Examples of making a template.
After folding and after opening.
Examples of making elements of a template.
Regulations available on the website: cer-zory.pl/konkursy/biezace
In the bottom left corner the logo of the organizers:
Żory Educational and Cultural Association
Żory City Council
Regional Education Center in Żory
Community Centre in Żory