“The Lapbook about the city I live in” for children and teenagers
14 września 2023


We would like to cordially invite children and young people to take part in the international art competition entitled „The Lapbook about the city  I live in”.
The competition is open to schools, educational and cultural institutions.
Competition organizers:
Żory Educational and Cultural Association
Żory City Council
Regional Education Center in Żory
Community Centre in Żory
The rules of the competition are available on the website: cer-zory.pl/konkursy/biezace


Description: Banner informing about the international art competition in the following colors: orange, white and yellow. In the center, a globe with a colorful graphic element around it.  On the left, the following content: The International art competition “The Lapbook about the city I live in” for children and teenagers.
Honorary patronage of:
The Mayor of the City of Żory
The Chairman of the City Council of Żory
On the right, a few graphic elements – inspirations for creating a lapbook template.
Below the address of the website with the rules of the competition.
Examples of making a template.
After folding and after opening.
Examples of making elements of a template.  
Regulations available on the website: cer-zory.pl/konkursy/biezace
In the bottom left corner the logo of the organizers:
Żory Educational and Cultural Association
Żory City Council
Regional Education Center in Żory
Community Centre in Żory

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