About us
29 stycznia 2019


Centrum Edukacji Regionalnej (The Centre of Regional Education) is located at 55 Szkolna Street, Żory- Osiny. All classes take place in the MOK common room. This is a place where since the year 2000, live regionalism lessons have been conducted, and where you can also find many interesting workshops, conferences, meetings, training, and competitions for children and adults. These actions encourage children, young adults, and adults alike to get to know our region, its traditions, customs, and ceremonies.
We are constantly extending our activities which now include new educational and regional enterprises. We truly believe that in the modern world, customs and ceremonies are dying so we have decided to do something about it. To keep the memory of Silesian traditions alive, we edit many papers in which we try to rescue these traditions. One of our ideas is to publish periodical books „ O śląsku po śląsku” and magazines for children; „Bajtel”- which has been edited since 2000, „Żory znane i nieznane”, and „Czas pracy i świetowania”
We have a lot of goals to achieve and many ideas to accomplish. To keep our traditions and customs alive, we are constantly looking for the ways to show them and pass them on to the next generations. When we write new projects, we always try to find an appropriate and interesting method for showing the timeless and universal value of these traditions to young people.

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